Don’t Outsource Your Career to Anyone
Only you can find a job for yourself. An exceptionally qualified marketing manager working for a large financial institution sees change coming. The bank is going through another restructuring exercise.…
Only you can find a job for yourself. An exceptionally qualified marketing manager working for a large financial institution sees change coming. The bank is going through another restructuring exercise.…
You’ve found your dream job, but within six months your world turns upside down. The company restructures, leaving a trail of high level departures. Your boss leaves unexpectedly, HR informs…
We rarely think about our next next role until forced into making a choice – to stay or to move on. Last week an experienced finance executive received a redundancy…
Many of us start off a new year or new moon with the best of intentions: exercise more, save more, find a new start and job. Exercising and saving seem…
Jane Horan was quoted in the article 'Why women need to take ownership of their reputations at work' by Catherine Fox on the Australian Financial Review. According to last week’s…
How valuable is a brand? More than anyone could imagine. Organizations spend dizzying sums of money, time and talent to ensure their brand is visible and compelling. With ever-increasing choices…
Multinational companies operating in Asia and other foreign regions may be overlooking potential leaders by defining leadership qualities through a U.S. lens, says Jane Horan, founder of The Horan Group,…
Do we really need more research on gender equality or do we need to act on the research. Organisations seem to be hardwired for research, and disinclined to take action...…
When we talk about equality, do we automatically think gender? Moving the conversation to inclusion allows us to broaden the scope and think innovatively. Diversity (and I would add, inclusion)…
As the Board Room discussion heats up, why not seek solutions instead of statistics. A decade of discussion, we know the statistics but what about research supporting women in decision making roles from…
A senior human resource manager running down the hallway huffed, "I don’t have time for politics. If this is the way things work - I'm outta here." Frustrated and upset, this manager had…
Savvy is a critical leadership skill and becoming politically savvy is not difficult. The only requirement is a willingness to step outside your comfort zone and confront fears that may…