Office Politics: Reframe Your Attitude

Consider this – politics is not a dirty word. Yet this word brings up negative feelings, emotions and sometimes fear.  Many try to ignore office politics when it happens, pretending it does not exist.  But…

Critical Leadership Skill : Political Savvy

Although political savvy is a crucial leadership skill, too few organizations build on it.  While organizations invest heavily in leadership development and executive coaching, too little time is spent teaching politics…

Cost of Career Inequality

Talented women leaving the firm - puzzling?  Not really, the fact is women or men not moving ahead will leave.  Nothing new there.  Yet, employers continue to wring their hands,…

Caught in the Middle

Caught in the Middle: The truth is most organizations struggle mightily to retain talented mid-career women. The New York Times reports that even Norway (poster country for board diversity) faces these same challenges, too few women in line for the C suite

Read more about the article Asian Women Leaders: Engines of growth
job applicant makes a good first impression

Asian Women Leaders: Engines of growth

Asian Women Leaders - the real engines of growth, if organizations figure out how. Researchers contend that women in Asia are moving into management positions in greater numbers. While true for some countries, others lag far behind particularly in the executive suite.

Diversity Scorecard: 7 Steps to a Perfect Score

7 Steps to a Perfect Diversity Score - Stop focusing on policy and diversity spreadsheets, and better address individual and employee segments, acknowledging that the dearth of executive-level women significantly impacts the bottom line. And, ‘What does the talent we seek (and currently employ) want and need? How do their wants and needs drive their level of engagement and the organization’s bottom line?

Board Room Quotas & Midlife Crisis

The visible lack of diversity is fuelling the quota debates- but why do we keep looking in the same places, examine the same things, only to return lukewarm solutions?