
starts with purpose

Employees more productive
80 %
Employees more likely to be leaders
1 %
Leaders believe purpose is central to business success
1 %

The Horan Group provides research-based solutions to build inclusive cultures and create purpose-driven careers.

We facilitate skill building to navigate change, build resilience, foster inclusion and find purpose.

Our Four Foundational Pillars

We believe that global organisations with savvy, inclusive and purpose-driven work cultures, are more likely to retain talent.

We work with individuals to build meaningful careers and with organisations to recognize and retain talent.

Building an Inclusive Workplace

Creating a sense of belonging plays a critical role in the construction of meaningful work and feeling connected to the organizational goals.

Enabling Conscious Decision Making

Building a culture of inclusion requires new levels of decision making and a greater clarity on bias. 

Reframing Political Savvy

Developing savvy leaders drives change, innovation, and careers. Savvy is a critical leadership skill.

Creating Career Purpose

Connecting employees to their purpose drives performance, alignment, and fulfilment.

Why we believe in

Purpose & Inclusion

After years of working with organisations and researching inclusion, we now understand that alignment of individual purpose with organizational purpose impacts motivation and engagement

Client Testimonials

Embarking on a career transition from where I was working for over several years. Working with Jane, I received practical advice and strategies that were immediately applicable to and tailored for my specific situation. She helped me define my priorities and I was able to reach a point of clarity in not just what I wanted, but also the businessperson that I wanted to become.
Angelo Rojas
former Booz Allen MD
Jane provided tools that helped me navigate corporate structure and politics to transition into a new role within the organization that was strongly aligned with my strengths, values and professional plans. What I learned working with Jane applied not just to me but also my team; as a leader of cross cultural groups I continue to use these insights to build inclusive and engaged workplaces.
Joanna Burger
Real Estate Professional
Helping me find my career purpose, and discovering myself in the process. Jane has binocular eyes into organizational and human behaviour, providing 100% spot on diagnosis and a practical strategy which works. I consider her book ‘Now it’s clear’ the Asian version of ‘Half Time’. To the weary/ frustrated/ ready to give up working soul out there, I prescribe a 4 day 3 night beach holiday armed with the book. It will transform your life as it did mine!
Emily Tan
Senior Vice President, Enterprise Group Head, Parexel
Dr. Jane Horan session on ‘Women As Transformational Leaders’ was an extremely insightful...The Where, What & How approach helped us sift through the themes of leadership in the workplace and how women can be truly purpose-driven leaders. Relevant, Engaging and Collaborative.... key lessons around values, self-awareness, strengths and networks.
Karishma Limaye-Biswas

Some of Our Clients


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