Can you introduce me to…

...someone who can change my life? "Probably not, but I'll try." Does this exchange sound familiar? Maybe only the first question, as the second part is a big promise. How…

Too Many Opportunities

This past month, my career conversations centred on uncertainty, being stuck, hitting a plateau, feeling unfulfilled. We sit with these feelings, not moving into action, postponing the inevitable. I read…

Career “Your Way”

Confusion begets confusion until we reach enlightenment. Sound new age-y? Last week’s blog, “When Passion Runs Out”, apparently hit a chord. I received responses ranging from, "this topic could not…

When Passion Runs Out

Who owns your career? You Do. But once in awhile we hit a stumbling block, or need to climb over huge rocks on the road to career success. I had…

How the Language of Leadership Has Changed

English may be the language of commerce, but we seldom consider the 'feelings' for words across cultures. The two most widely spoken languages are Hindi and Mandarin. Language at the…

Leadership–An Ill-defined and Confusing Word

James McGregor Burns stated "Leadership is the most observed and misunderstood phenomena on the planet." He wrote that in 1978, 36 years ago. Confusing then, it's more complicated now. When…

Career Navigation: Take Time to Reflect

When we think about careers now and into the future, what enables successful transitions? What moves us forward? What factor do we need most to sustain us? Something that we…

Storyforth: Where can it lead you?

Storyforth is a cross-cultural initiative to bring storytelling skills to the workplace. The Storyforth creative team can help produce thoughtful, well told stories to engage your audience in meaningful conversations.…

Translating Words Across Cultures

Simple words we take for granted do not easily translate across cultures. As Fiona Citkin rightfully points out there is a language-culture ceiling for women. There are ways to break…

Lean In & Leadership

Quartz recently published an article by Jane Horan about what it takes for a woman to succeed in Asia. Ambition is no longer the kiss of death for women’s careers.…