Whom Do You Trust?

Many people responded to my blog last week on “asking for introductions” with one word – “trust”. The word of the week. Everywhere I seemed to be and everything I read, the word ‘trust’ appeared.

Have such coincidences (or portents) happened to you?

You have an idea floating around, and everything you see or hear reinforces it. You decide to holiday in Greece, and the next day an article on Greece appears. Friends invite you to a newly opened Greek restaurant. A colleague shares stories about their holiday in Crete. You go to the store and there’s a special on Kalamata olives.

One after another.

This past week I’ve read “trust” in a poem, as well as in advertisements. I heard about “trust” when someone I knew was changing jobs. It seems so prevalent the last few days I thought about naming this blog ‘The synchronicity of trust‘.

Understand the connection of trust to relationships. Trust is a value, one we must invest into relationships. Some responses last week included “Can I trust this person with my connections?” It makes sense to consider trust before extending introductions. Relationships are an exchange of trust, and vital in career success or stagnation.

How often do you think about the interchange of trust and career?

Here is one true story on a year of career angst. A woman wrote that she left Australia to the UK for a new role. The perfect role. A collective decision to move with her partner, children and dog. A new adventure, and no backward glances. Within 3 months of starting, the dream job ended. After ten [worrying] months of looking, she’s now on a new path.

We make career decisions based on trust, and sometimes we trust before we’re certain. We take a calculated risk and leap into the unknown. We put faith in others to act consistently and equitably. We expect organisations (which are, after all, only people) to do the right thing.

Trust is a personal value.

When damaged or lost, it’s hard to regain.

Trust–like relationships–takes an investment of time.

What does trust feel like for you?