What’s In A Name / Brand?

brand_256x303 It’s far better to know how people perceive you and your brand rather than devising ways to promote yourself. Save your engergy and focus on what you’re offering as a brand, not on what you’re selling as a product or a service.

Your brand is your story – make it unique.

Ask yourself:  Who Am I?  – and – Who do I want to be?

Stories are compelling; they draw you in. People let down their guards when they read or listen to a good story; they allow themselves to engage fully and vicariously.

In the age of Social Media, your story will be commented on by many and that’s FREE publicity, so put away your check book! Write a compelling story that people will want to share, that people will want to become a part of.  Do that and the world becomes your oyster!

Josh Fisher, at Human Business Works, suggests that you take your story a step further and include “user experiences.”   Think about LinkedIN, Facebook or Blogging and the immediacy of feedback on you and your brand.

There’s one more step in the branding business. Go online and find out what others are saying about you when you’re not around.  There are ways to uncover whispers in the market, hallways and boardrooms.  Find an advocate, listen for the jokes; listen very carefully for the word ‘but’ – that is, “Very strategic, but not detailed or very nice, but can she/he make tough decisions…

You get the idea!

Your customers’ experiences and comments can span the globe with one click. Managing your brand includes knowing when to speak up and when to stand down to allow your biggest “fans” to write your next story for you! Testimonials are gold. Collect every one, without fail. They endorse you and your brand far better than any paid advertising will ever do.

Manage Perceptions Wisely!