It’s not about pink products

Dr. Martina Schraudner at Standford Gender Research discusses the role and influence of gender on the future of technology and how to sell to women – it’s not about “simply turning products pink.” Ms. Schraudner believes markets have opportunities using gender as a tool and understanding the (female) consumer.

One important, new, market segment is using technology to bridge the gap between family and work environments facilitating conversations between the working professional and with the home, children and an elderly parent.

Ms. Schraudner shares a great case on working with LEGO to modify a robotic game “so it would be more appealing to young girls.” The benefits to this type of research, Ms. Schraudner says, “is that it draws more young women into the ranks of science and engineering – which in turn leads to even more innovation.” Which, may in turn, provide the solution to increasing the percentages of women in executive roles at hi-tech firms.