Build a personal board of directors

Do any of us stop and think about our connections both inside and outside of work?

Think about it, your network – family, friends, or colleagues, contain the essential ingredients that brings out the best in you; this network provides feedback and insights on your potential.

Have you ever considered building a personal board of directors?

Something to consider – who would you want on this board?  You would definitely want people who think like you – but you also need diversity of thinking and a couple of charismatic leaders to shape your thinking.  This network provides mentoring and insights on your leadership power.

And, this board will become a sponsor or advocate for your next promotion.

One business leader told me she tapped into the social networking sites of many talented managers to see who they connected with – “talent attracts talent, ” she said.

Take a step back and study a few great leaders – someone you worked with before or someone you admire – and ask yourself, ‘who influences them? or who do they surround themselves with?”  You will start to see patterns – leadership and talent are surrounded by other talented people.

Call it, the law of attraction, like attracts like.

Building a network takes time, energy, and intention – which eventually pays off – your network builds your leadership strengths and brings your power to the surface.

This week, invest time and add new members to your network